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AI and Brain Science Coursework

At Purdue and Caltech. Starred courses indicate advance credit.

The Human Brain

    Biology (Neurobiology)

  • BIOL 131 - Development, Structure, and Function of Organisms
  • BIOL 132 - Lab in Development, Structure, and Function of Organisms
  • BIOL 232 - Lab in Cell Structure and Function
  • BIOL 295E - Biology of the Living Cell
  • BIOL 420 - Eukaryotic Cell Biology

  • BIOL 495N - Introduction to Neurobiology
  • BIOL 595N/MA 490N - Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
  • BME 595T - Simulation and Stimulation of the Nervous System
  • Caltech, CNS 150 - Introduction to Neuroscience
  • Caltech, BI 129 - Advanced Cell Biology of the Neuron

  • *CHM 115 - General Chemistry I
  • *CHM 116 - General Chemistry II
  • CHM 255 - Organic Chemistry
  • Caltech, BI 252 - Responsible Conduct of Research

    Psychology (Cognitive/Psychobiology)

  • PSY 120 - Elementary Psychology
  • PSY 200 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY 220 - Brain and Behavior: An Introduction
  • PSY 225 - Child Psychology
  • PSY 310H - Sensation and Perception (Honors)
  • PSY 320 - Psychobiology of Sensation and Arousal
  • PSY 422 - Genes and Behavior

Artificial Intelligence

    Computer Science

  • CS 180 - Programming I
  • ECE 264 - Advanced C Programming
  • ECE 362 - Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing
  • ECE 364 - Software Engineering Tools Laboratory
  • ECE 368 - Data Structures
  • ECE 469 - Operating Systems
  • ECE 495F - Intro to Computer Security

  • ECE 496 - Research in Autonomous Soccer (Cofounder, Purdue RoboCup Team)
  • ECE 496 - Research in Modern Artificial Intelligence (Automated Theorem Proving/Planning)
  • ECE 570 - Artificial Intelligence
  • MA 490N/BIOL 595N - Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
  • PSY 633N - Neural Networks
  • Caltech, CNS 187 - Neural Computation
  • Caltech, CNS 100 - Introduction to Computation and Neural Systems (Interdisciplinary)
  • Caltech, CNS 180 - Research in Computation and Neural Systems


  • *MA 265 - Linear Algebra
  • MA 266 - Ordinary Differential Equations
  • MA 271 - Multivariate Calculus (Honors)
  • MA 301 - Intro to Proof Through Real Analysis

  • Caltech, MA 129A. - Information and Complexity
  • ECE 369 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineering
  • MA 385 - Mathematical Logic
  • ECE 302 - Probability
  • IE 336 - Operations Research II: Probabilistic Models
  • STAT 511 - Statistical Methods

Electrical Engineering (Digital Electronics)

  • PHYS 152 - Mechanics
  • PHYS 261 - Electricity and Optics
  • ENGR 100H - Freshman Engineering Honors Seminar
  • ENGR 116 - Engineering Problem Solving and Computer Tools (Honors)
  • ECE 200 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar
  • ECE 201 - Linear Circuit Analysis I
  • ECE 202 - Linear Circuit Analysis II
  • ECE 207 - Electronic Measurement Techniques
  • ECE 208 - Electronic Devices and Design Laboratory
  • ECE 255 - Introduction to Electronic Analysis and Design
  • ECE 270 - Introduction to Digital System Design
  • ECE 301 - Signals and Systems
  • ECE 400 - ECE Undergraduate Seminar
  • ECE 437 - Computer Design and Prototyping
  • ECE 477 - Digital Senior Design
  • ECE 495D - ASIC Design Lab

More detailed coursework information (PDF)


Ryan Traylor, Daniel Wilhelm, Bernard D. Adelstein, and Hong Z. Tan, "Design considerations for stand-alone haptic interfaces communicating via UDP protocol," Proceedings of the 2005 World Haptics Conference, Pisa, Italy, pp. 563-564, Mar. 18-20, 2005 [Paper, Paper (extended version), and Poster]

Daniel Wilhelm, Steven Langer, "Visus Package for Yorick", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Student Poster Symposium 2005, August 2005 [Poster and Abstract]

Daniel Wilhelm, Ryan Traylor, Hong Z. Tan, "Efficient UDP Haptic Device Communication," Summer Undergraduate Research Internship in Nanotechnology 2004 Conference; Purdue University, August 2004 [Presentation and Abstract]

Daniel Wilhelm, Laron Walker, Hong Z. Tan, "Haptic Interfaces to Scanning Probe Microscopy," Summer Undergraduate Research Internship in Nanotechnology 2003 Conference; Purdue University, August 2003 [Presentation and Abstract]

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